March Inspiration

March 2012 Message to inspire us to be committed to the work versus complying with the work we are called to perform.

In what way will we all be alike so that we benefit students? (Administrative Responsibility)
In what way will we all be different so that we benefit students? (Teacher Responsibility)

Compliance vs. Commitment (You may get compliance but you will never get commitment).

It is better to be in a healthy conversation, perhaps even with disagreement so that an agreement can be reached and consensus can be created.

Something to think about: We all may be singing the same song but are we marching to the same tune?

There are 2 ways to get people to do things: Intimidation or Inspiration

“Work: …is a devotion undertaken with passion and conviction; because it absorbs you; because it is a task or unrelenting quest which cannot be satisfied.” – Donald Hall, Poet

Some things are chores – things that you must do but do not like to do. Some things are work – things that you enjoy doing to fulfill a greater purpose.

A teacher has chosen a profession that they know they will never get right. There will always be ways for you to reach a student who at first does not understand.

“We change when we can think out loud together with others whose actions affect us.” – Marvin R. Weisbord

If you are going to have inspired learners, you must have inspired teachers.

“The delight of the part lies in appreciating the whole.” – Rumi

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