One of my good friends once shared a birthday tradition, which includes writing three highlights from your previous trip around the sun, and one thing you are looking forward to. To that end:

Highlight #1: God opened the opportunity for me to stay in my current job. Although I am not where I think I should be, He continues to prove that He is the supplier of all my needs and has graciously sprinkled in wants from time to time.

Highlight #2: My health. As I am getting older (and hopefully wiser), health is such an underrepresented blessing. As the road to 50 is nearby, I have made it a goal to be fit and fifty!

Highlight #3: My circle of family and friends. It goes without saying that God has blessed me w/ some of His angels here on earth. I am blessed to see family more often now and the friends that I have (all over the world) continue to bring joy to my life.

What I am looking forward to in faith…
I am still waiting to see how God is going to bring Psalms 37 and Isaiah 62 to life in my life. For the past few mornings, God and I have chatted quite a bit, and on Tuesday, October 9th, as I was taking my morning constitutional, there was His promise coming from the sky. I read a quote recently that said, “Trust in God’s timing – It is better to wait a while and have things fall into place than rush and have things fall apart.