I was unable to make it to Reid before I left this morning but no worries, God provided inspiration in the airport. I boarded the flight that was scheduled to leave at 12:25. I was in my seat, seat belt fastned, electronics powered down all set to go when the pilot came on to state that we were not going to be able to depart because the receiving airport was currently not accepting any flights due to weather. I knew I had a little cushion of time before having to catch the flight to Delhi so I really was not too concerned. In fact I went to get a snack and sat down and waited for the update. While waiting other passengers asked for refunds and were placed on other flights with other airlines and were frantic nonetheless. Within an hour I was back on the plane and am now waiting to board my flight to New Delhi which by the way is 14 hours and 35 minutes according to the message board (I think that is workable). Once back on the plane the flight attendance said, “I see some folks had no faith.” While in flight the pilot came on and said the flight plan we received due to the storm has now been changed. We have received another plan and we will actually get there a little earlier.

I so love God because He works just like that!